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First photo, me and my wife Pauline. This was taken when we attended a function (Exclusive Models' Graduation Night) where my youngest daughter Kym performed a song for the crowd. 2nd photo, the proud dad with the bunso (Kym). Kym is in primary school (Wynn Vale Primary). 3rd photo, kids at home (Xmas Eve '05), first from left is Krishelle, my eldest. She's in 2nd Year of Nursing at the University Of South Australia, middle one is my daughter Kitchie (third in the family) and right side is my son Miko. Miko and Kitchie are both in high school (Golden Grove High). By the way, I got four kids. 4th photo, Kitchie and Kym with a friend when we visited Carrick Hill (a Manor House) here in Adelaide for a day outing.

Me and my wife and four kids (3 daughters and a son) have been here in Adelaide since 1991 as permanent residents. My youngest was born here in 1995. I'm currently employed with RLA (Research Laboratories Of Australia) here in Adelaide.

(sano bong, my apologies for posting this late, nalimutan ko baya :-(u got a nice family there, cute wife and kids. nagulat ako me college ka na palan na aki)

rules: refectory

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rules: study period

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Our heartfelt condolences to the family of Atty. Alwyn Talde ('83) whose mother passed away last friday, January 13, 2006.

Batch 87 Reunion

Batch 87 reconnected again with some of their long lost batchmates. deets and pix here

our heartfelt condolences to Atty. Wowo Fortes and Family, whose father passed away last December 2005. Apparently, the car he was driving was struck by a speeding CUL bus somewhere in Irosin.

silence in the study hall...

i'll be posting a series of rules posters i found scattered throughout olps last homecoming 2005 just to bring back memories of the time when you had to live by them :D Posted by Picasa

botanical garden

another view of the garden between the classrooms and study hall Posted by Picasa

Share your Holiday Pics

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Greetings from Hitler's Nazi Concentration Camp. Spending the holidays with the souls of victims of Holocaust during World War II.

Share your holiday pics

its been a slow week or so here. heheh wala nagpost ng bago. anyways since you all probably took a lot of pictures during christmas why not share them? if you cant post here, send them to our email and i'll post them ok?

so to start, here's me with my officemates visiting Hongkong Disneyland. this is our xmas party and r&r [finally after 4 years :-) ]

if you go to HK, dont ever forget to buy digital camera or videocam, well anything electronic. its so cheap. its about 50% off philippine price! and u get more savings if u buy the older model (pero brand new pa sa pinas)

btw, cinderella says hi to all sano :P

hope you all have a great time during the holidays and wishing you a peaceful and bountiful year ahead :-)


a view of the library from the garden. i remember the windows used to be big frosted things Posted by Picasa

classroom garden

a view of the classroom garden from the senior classroom. note the nipa hut Posted by Picasa

back of classroom bldg

famous for the numerous bayawak living in the septic tank and the junk that used to be piled here. Posted by Picasa

classroom toilet

looks more civilized now doesnt it? perfect place to while away boring math classes, sneak a quick smoke. also notorious venue of umentionable "contests" ;-) Posted by Picasa

Classroom pasillo

klase na naman! Posted by Picasa

classroom: blackboard

how i dreaded ms. sy's math class! especially solving math problems in front of the class. Posted by Picasa


the steel windows always remind me of latin class with fr. lorilla who made us climb up the grilles for every mistake in latin grammar. does fr. lorilla still smoke marlboro with snowbear mint candy? :-)

cute gubatnons!

here are some of our gubatnon sano during their cute days. click for bigger pix size

pix courtesy of sano ronny yrurreta Posted by Picasa

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