Showing posts with label Batch Reunions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batch Reunions. Show all posts

Batch 83's Reunion

 here's a post from batch 83 about their latest reunion. featuring the recently found fr. imbo... more pix and funny kwentos at their blog!!!

A Tale of Two Reunions-Part 1-Finding the Lost Shepherd

You have all heard of the parable of the lost sheep, right? How about the lost shepherd? Its not in the Bible, but in the lores of the class of '83. The class " pambawi" ( sa mga kabuangan natun) Fr. Imbo Barrozo surfaced and happily we had an excuse to have the first of the get-togethers last August 13 at the Eastwood City. Fr. Imbo is about to leave for a three year assignment with Sorsogon's "sister" diocese Kansas. Aside from Jayhawks, Kansas is known for their excellent beef - basi lamang yadto si Baka-King, Cula, matuparan man ni Fr. Imbo.

Captured and not about to let go! Gerrox shows Fr. Imbo how much he has been missed by the class of '83

Batch 94 reunion

Manila-based B94 finally made an excuse out of Ronald's wedding and Manu Dugan's birthday to have a mini-reunion {aka: irinuman}.

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