Showing posts with label donation to olps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label donation to olps. Show all posts

Minutes of the OLPS Alumni Meeting
OLPS, Sorsogon City
8:30PM, August 16, 2008

In Attendance :

Atty. Tootsie Cubias Joey Cubias
Fr. Egay Cleofe Fr. Totep Erestain
Totep Perez Bernie Donor
Lloyd Lopez Ceazar Escobedo
Robert Maullon Salvatorre Sanchez
Tom Sementela

Meeting Proper

The meeting started at 8:30PM with Atty Cubias presiding. The following concerns were discussed :

1. Rice Subsidy

A. Ceremonial turnover of initial 3 sacks of rice donation was done by the Alumni with the presence of minor seminarians and formators. Donors were Robert Maullon, Ceazar Escobedo and Bernie Donor (n.b. Joey Cubias to donate 1 sack on September 2008)

B. Other Pledges for Rice Subsidy Project are the following :
  1. Buddy Villaroya - 3 sacks,
  2. Atty. Tootsie Cubias - 2 sacks
  3. Salvatorre Sanchez – 2 sacks
  4. Tom Sementela – 1 sack
  5. Romulo Lustre – 1 sack

C. For future pledges, the following guidelines are set :
  1. Contact Totep or through email address, Totep to determine schedule & deadline for pledges
  2. Cash donations (per sack costs P912.50 as of this writing) must be given to Tom Sementela at PNB – Sorsogon or deposit directly to PNB Accounts : 478-811387-6 (Peso) or 478-700725-8 (USD). Donations in kind are also accepted.
  3. Totep to produce pro forma letter with reply slip to be distributed to all alumni, together with invitation for homecoming with attached schedule.

2. Tarpaulin Banner (standard size per batch), T-shirt

Totep Perez to contact Dondee Delgado for T – shirt (200 pcs., with collar, color yellow or cream with embroidered OLPS logo colored black) & tarpaulin design, size & cost. Presentation of design due next meeting.

3. Information Dissemination

With the absence of OLPS Alumni PRO Renato Marcial, the item was declared unfinished business. However it was agreed that the invitation letter may serve for purposes of information dissemination and coordination with Parish Priests for announcements during mass is also suggested.

4. Alumni Directory

Again, with the absence of OLPS Alumni PRO Renato Marcial, the item was declared unfinished business. Totep Perez to notify him on the unfinished businesses.

5. Confirmation of Attendance to Homecoming

All attendees in the meeting are appointed point persons for their batch. Invitation letters will be coursed through to batch coordinators.

6. Homecoming Activities

  1. The group confirmed the proposed program of activities with no amendments as of yet. The alumni request the confirmation of batch 83 for their commitment to sponsor the Alumni Homecoming and shoulder the expenses. Totep is tasked to contact Batch 83.
  2. Atty. Cubias suggested to explore possibility on having basketball match with St. Gregory Seminary Alumni. Atty. Cubias to coordinate including the preparation of plaque or trophy. Ceazar Escobedo and Tony Detera to form the team and act as coaches.

7. Other Matters

  1. SEC Registration – pending the submission of the FS, Tom Sementela, Joey Cubias & Atty. Cubias as point persons.
  2. Alumni Affairs Office – pending the draft of official letter to OLPS Rector c/o Totep, Msgr. Monje as signatory.

Next meeting will be on August 30, 2008, Saturday 7PM Fatima Parish. Having no other matters to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.
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Interim Secretary


Presiding Officer

BIG Thanks Batch 83

Recently posted sa OLPS Minor... a big box of goodies from Batch 83!!!!. salamatonon tabi mga Batch 83! uragon talaga!!!! hehehehe

ok sin-o kaya na sunod na maging generous batch!

The package from the USA, (particularly from Sano Arnel Deyto [B83]) arrived this morning (july 20) here at OLPS. It contained sports paraphernalia promised by Batch '83, in connection with OLPS' preparation for the upcoming Sangkan 3 this November.

Here are the particulars: 2 pcs. Basketball; 1 pc. Volleyball; 1 pc. soccerball; 1 bucket pingpong balls; 1 pc. Football; 1 ball pump; and 4 pcs. basketball nets; and 5 pcs. dart boards (this includes the 2 pcs of dart boards brought here last summer).

Aside from this package, Batch '83 committed themselves for the purchase/making of pool tables and tables for Table Tennis.

Thank you very much Batch '83.

Our prayers for the eternal repose of Tia Betty. She was the much loved cook of the OLPS College from late 80's to 90's

Godspeed Tia Betty.

courtesy of batch 89

this is a pix of batch 89's generosity. sinda palan an nagpahimo san gate. how about the other batches? hmmm, gotta talk with my batchmates...

pix taken by sano otats (b87)

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