Showing posts with label OLPS Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OLPS Life. Show all posts

Best wishes to the Sano Graduates!!

more pix here....

Army in the seminary!

thanks to sun wireless. me internet na ulit ako sa bahay. so once more i can find time to manage this blog.

Got this from B80. dipungal hanep sa martsa ano. amo daw ini an "The Leaning Towers of Bibincahan".

According to Sano LarryM (B83) this "fancy, leaning company drill was initiated by, my ahem..big brother bombing manda, coy cmdr of b79." ang galing no?

san makita kuno ini ni Michael Jackson, na-inspire sya na ichoreograph sa dance routine niya sa Smooth Criminal an "leaning move" na ini. kay kitaa baya hu:

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