Showing posts with label olps teachers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label olps teachers. Show all posts

i got this late. rene (b86) texted that his aunt, Ms. Sy -- the math and physics teacher has passed away last Sept 12, 2008.

our condolences and prayers. godspeed Ms. Sy

Beowulf back when

Remember the legendary english teacher Ms. Resurreccion and the equally legendary required english lit topic --Beowulf? Here's Gibbs' entertaining writeup about them... (i hope ms. rexy is doing fine these days, any news about her?)

Aha, so it's pronounced “BAY-wulf.” All these years my high school classmates and I have pronounced it “BEE-wulf,” like how were taught in English literature. The release of the movie should prompt us to consider holding one of our usual reunions just so we could officially adopt the proper pronunciation of the name.

You see, “Beowulf” isn't just a story to us. Mention the word, and it brings back a lot of happy memories. We're silly sentimental SOBs like that.

We learned about Beowulf and Grendel and Grendel's monster mother not from Neil Gaiman, but in traditional high school English literature. I'm not sure if students today are still taught this old English epic poem. Our teacher was Mrs. Resurreccion, a white-haired, motherly, tiny bird of a lady, all 4'11" of her (perhaps even shorter).

continue reading gibbs' writeup here...

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