bigdorm down shower

civilized looking di ba? but still smells with muriatic acid and cleanser Posted by Picasa

big dorm down toilet

wow ano? looks wayyyyyy cleaner than i can remember.

but the ceiling has still that slimy greenish gunk Posted by Picasa

big dorm

batch 86 visits big dorm Posted by Picasa

big dorm

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big dorm

traditionally, the dorm of freshmen.

a silent witness to freshmen's cries of loneliness at night (esp the first night away from home) :D tsaka yung pagkahulog sa bed. i miss the T-Bar hehehehe Posted by Picasa

remember these floor tiles? quintessentially OLPS talaga. Posted by Picasa

closeup view of the tiles Posted by Picasa

2nd floor pasillo

favorite hangout of main building occupants.

the roof of the kitchen and the toilet were also favorite tambayan and place to dry laundry or shoes and to sun beddings Posted by Picasa

2nd floor pasillo

seminarians jamming Posted by Picasa


remember tio nard's culinary experiments? Posted by Picasa


they use lpg now. wara na idto na lutuan na upa an panggatong Posted by Picasa


medyo malinis na pagkitaon ano? iba talaga pag lpg hehehe wara nin agiw nan abo :-) Posted by Picasa

the letter

the most awaited letter during the summer.

remember how you felt when you opened and read it?

it was a proud moment in my young life coz i thought then that entering the seminary was like being in a elite group of people sort of like being in the scout rangers :-) hehehe the few, the proud kuno baga.

this pix came from the batch 82 blog


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lots of trees now gone. Posted by Picasa

main building

the main building Posted by Picasa

big dorm up is still big dorm. the rooms below used to be at various points during my stay, -chemistry and lab room, pantry, cat room, big dorm down, small dorm down.

now its an office and infirmary. am not sure what the other room is Posted by Picasa

small dorm

looking up the small dorm up. beacuse of dwindling enrollees, the small dorm up currently lays unused. it just looks sad.

like when seminary is on summer vacation and you go back and take a peek at the dorms. the emptiness jars you up a bit. coz ur used to seeing the dorms full of beddings and stuff and noisy teenagers. Posted by Picasa

garden main building

how do we call this nga? main garden ba? the aguho tree is gone and so is the big mango tree and the rimas tree near the kitchen. looks a bit bare but more open. i dunno but the seminary looks way more lonesome, and rundown than before. gurangunon na pagkitaon.

mga rich na sano, batugi na tabi nindo magdonate bago magkaruruba an mga buildings :-) Posted by Picasa


the parlor looking down from the second floor -what used to be the prayer room. it has been removed so the parlor became like a high ceilinged receiving area Posted by Picasa

the "object of desire" of many basketball crazy seminarians hehehe. paurunahan pag 4pm Games!

the boards are plexiglass. remember when they used to be made of wood and every now and then the karpinteros and Pay would replace the rotting panels with new ones? Posted by Picasa

Nostalgia: right court

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the b-ball courts are now equipped with plexi boards. this is the right court with a "grandstand" something ---where the volleyball court used to be. the court remains still the skin scraping concrete paving Posted by Picasa

the cement pasillo roof looks a bit off. doesnt blend at all to the architecture Posted by Picasa

the roof of the pasillo used to be tin roof but now its all concrete. sr. myrna said the top can be used as a walkway going to annex dorm Posted by Picasa

it looks different now. it has red tiles and metal sign. also the flag pole is gone Posted by Picasa

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