am reposting here these brilliant words from gerry arnedo (b83) for sano bawozo...

I used to call him the “Great Pang-Bawi” The only somber and sane voice among the boisterous, rowdy crowd that the Class of ’83 was in its heyday. As a class, we could be considered crass and arrogant and too confident in our wise-ass ways. Except that it would not be fair, because we had Fr. Jimmy in our group, and he was the antithesis of all that.

To say that he was well-grounded and humble is a gross understatement. Fr. Imbo had this wise-beyond-his-years sense of self. He knew he was more than intelligent, and yet saw no sense in calling the world’s attention to it. He was an Oak among Cherry Blossoms, unspectacular in the display of his hues but definitely the steadiest of the lot. You could say he died as he lived, choosing the most quiet of ways, leaving in his sleep, leaving while all of us were asleep. He would have it no other way

read the rest at the b83 blog....


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