sad news mga sano. learned from fr. egays fb feed that f. jimmy passed away yesterday.

let us all pray for fr. jimmy and send our condolences to his family.

farewell fr. jimmy and may you rest  in the god's peace...


  1. secret said...
    We are from Jesuit Volunteers Philippines Foundation, Inc. (JVPFI) that Fr. Jimmy Barrozo JVP Batch 8.
    we would like to ask the update at least contact information from Fr. Jimmy's family.
    our contact number: 02 927-9060

    thank you very much.
    Sr. Elma L. Nebreja, CCV said...
    Rest in the loving peace of our Creator God, dear Fr. Jimmy. My heartfelt condolence to all of you dear to him especially to his beloved family.
    I'm Fr. Jimmy's batchmate in the JVP.
    ---Sr. Elma, CCV
    jetski said...
    sorry po wala po ako contact number ng family niya. better to contact po sorsogon diocese. also kindly visit his OLPS Batch website at

    they might have some info or you can ask his batchmates.

    thanks and god bless po.

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