OLPS happenings

lots of new stuff over at the OLPSminor blog. go visit na!

BAMS 2008

some kind of spiritual miracle seems to be taking place here. and tio nards is the ninong daw! hehe

remember the always nice and helpful sr. myrna and ms. halcon? (i dont now the gal in the middle though)

mayad pa an olps kay damo an outing hehe.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Sister Myrna was the one wrote my recommendation when i enrolled in all boys college right after I graduated from high school and noted that I had an inclination for boys...what a shame for this nun to have judged such a young person in a coward way!..either if I was gay or not ... I dont have a reponsibility to tell her or the school to know... It was and will never be her or that school's business....this is one of the persons you should not allow your mind to pollute and brainwash..

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