Batch 81has some pix of the olps grand alumni homecoming
Batch 82sano ronn is kind of in a "crush mode" - do check out their blog and help him choose hehe. i kinda like surfing myself ;-)
an important announcement though --the King has been found!old graduation pix, check out perry!
Batch 83the arnedo family, isn't gerry's siwo cute?
Batch 86
lots of birthdays and a poignant writeup ( wounded warrior) from yayes basares
hope we can all help out yayes.
Batch 87the most regularly updated blog in the sanosphere has lots of nice fun pix again.
family fun day - ian, otats and totep in tatay modeif looks could kill. tato's pride and joy in fight face mode
the lucero family celebrating a birthday (?)
and lastly, in total agreement with ol, eenals is definitely super cute.
Batch 89
richard must be so busy
Batch 92has loads of new stuff posted. seems like they're hanging out more often these days
like this get together at the beachcelebrating chinese new year
a fine, fine view
Batch 93
non must be busy also. but do check out non's personal blog
Batch 94the motorcycle. what's the kwento with this pala?
Batch 2000
chrisly is busy too.
Labels: Sanosphere