Here are some pix of the damages to OLPS buildings and grounds by typhoon Milenyo. These were taken by sano mene dimaano (B81) during his visit to sorsogon last month.
As you can see, OLPS needs your help. It would be great if you or your class can donate something for the repair of OLPS. It could well maybe one of the greatest christmas gift you have ever given :-)btw, if the fr. rector is reading this, may i suggest for him to post here the materials and other stuff needed for the repairs and most importantly the mechanism for the repair fund drive.
alternatively, as Sano Mene suggests, you may deposit your donations to OPLS Alumni Foundation Inc. Savings Account # 478-7007258 (PNB Sorsogon City)
Sano Tomas D. Sementela is the business manager of PNB Sorsogon. You may call him at (056) 421-5207 or E-mail him at sementelatd @