the best and safest browser in the world is now on its version 2 goodness. go download it at this very instant. please. for the love of god!!!
Uninstall internet explorer from your computers and use firefox instead. okidoki? that way this blog will render super beautifully in your pc and from then on you will browse the world wide web safely.
why use firefox? well according to uncrate (am too lazy to list down firefox goodness)
Internet Explorer is awful. Its interface sucks, it renders websites horribly, and worst of all, it's ultra-mega susceptible to viruses and pop-ups. If your PC is acting odd or running super slow, you can thank Internet Explorer. You need to install Firefox immediately. Version 2 (free; Mac or PC) just came out and it offers even more web browsing goodness, like a sexy interface, tabbed browsing, RSS reader, built-in spell check, integrated search engines, pop-up blocker, phishing and spyware protection, and tons of useful plug-ins
so go download it now. and i mean right now :-)
Here are some pix of the damages to OLPS buildings and grounds by typhoon Milenyo. These were taken by sano mene dimaano (B81) during his visit to sorsogon last month.
As you can see, OLPS needs your help. It would be great if you or your class can donate something for the repair of OLPS. It could well maybe one of the greatest christmas gift you have ever given :-)btw, if the fr. rector is reading this, may i suggest for him to post here the materials and other stuff needed for the repairs and most importantly the mechanism for the repair fund drive.
alternatively, as Sano Mene suggests, you may deposit your donations to OPLS Alumni Foundation Inc. Savings Account # 478-7007258 (PNB Sorsogon City)
Sano Tomas D. Sementela is the business manager of PNB Sorsogon. You may call him at (056) 421-5207 or E-mail him at sementelatd @
well actually, its not postponed, am just playing safe hehe. seems like nobody knows if there'll ever be a homecoming this year. what is certain is that nothing will happen on the traditional homecoming day - oct 15-17
let's just say the homecoming will not be held in sympathy to the sorsogonons who were disastrously affected by the typhoon.
btw, does anybody know who are the members of the current OLPS alumni board? i honestly dont know :-(
Our heartfelt condolences to the family of Sano Alwyn on the death of his father
an invitation to all sanos to post their fav memories of the late fr. rosero:
Latob in Tata Linuz
(Totep Perez B87)
The most memorable experience I had with Tata Linuz happened during one of the "modelling" sessions we had when i was in first year college.
For those who studied at OLPS College and took up English Composition Subject with Tata Linuz, modelling was his endearing legacy of teaching the English Language by demonstrating to us excerpts on the works of great writers that we must use as "models" to write our own compositions.
In one of our classes with him he jokingly warned me : "Mr. Perez, remember that I am a lawyer, I can sue you for destroying my eyesight, you've got a terrible handwriting!"
continue reading the article here...
English Class
(Jet Hermida B86)
fr. rosero was my english teacher during first year college at the Coke seminary. he taught us english composition the classical way --- sort of parang imitating the style of the writer-- a bit peculiar but also effective in teaching the rudiments of english composition and style. most of the time he looked like a serious guy and added to the fact that he was a also a lawyer and had a rather intimidating way with words, my class (to my recollection) didn't mess with him in any way at all :-)
does anybody remember the name of that textbook?
Godspeed Fr. Lino!
Oct. 13 update from Gerry Arnedo (B83)
got this off their blog:
Hello everyone> I just got back today from Legaspi. I witnessed first hand the accident of Fr. Rosero when I took public transpo from legaspi to sorsogon. Very tragic
Fr. Lino was driving a black chevrolet, he ended up hitting a house or a tree on the extreme left side of the road going towards Sorsogon. I believe my ride was less than a minute behind his car. The windshield was shattered, the car was a mess.
I am speculating that he must have been overtaking, but miscalculated and ended up off road. I was told he died minutes after reaching Legaspi
Oct. 11 update from Tato Marcial:
Fr. Lino Rosero's remains lie in state at the Home of Clergy -- the building besides OLPS minor.
Details of his fatal accident are still sketchy but Tato will update us later after his visit to the Clergy House
received 8:30 pm today from From Tato Marcial (B87) by way of Miles Mella (B84);
Fr. Rosero Has died from injuries he suffered after a vehicular accident somewhere along the Villa Hermosa area. He was declared DOA at the Bicol Regional Training Hospital in Albay Legazpi.
Internment details to follow.
Calling all Sanos!!!!
Concerned Sanos led by Sano Mene Dimaano and Tato Marcial are calling for a discussion meeting during the Homecoming Day on October 15-16 (sked to be finalized pa) to firm up plans and draw up projects for our beloved alma mater- OLPS.
Seems like OLPS suffered damages from the typhoon and some urgent repairs are needed.
The discussion meeting is also viewed as a continuation of the efforts to define and realize the role that the Alumni can help in sustaining the OLPS - kay bagan inkukulang na sin hinangos :D
Nawawara na kaya an Alumni Board -- basi na-milenyo-- kaya dili naatuparan ini. Mayad ngani kay me mga super Sanos like Tato and Mene and ther other Sorsogon Sanos who are taking up the slack.
So kindly spread the word to all your classmates and to the other batches too.
I've heard that some of the batches are still planning to hold their reunions this homecoming or within the month. if so, please dont forget to discuss and draw up REAL, ACHIEVABLE plans or projects that your batch can give to OLPS.
Offhand concrete projects would include, donation of school equipments, refurbishing of dorms, new books for the library, computers, sports equipments, repainting of the buildings etc, etc.
Pwede rin parang ang isang batch mag adopt ng isang room or building to refurbish
An important point to be firmed up during the Oct 15-16 meeting is to outline the mechanism by which these donations would be truly directed towards the OLPS and not some other building or church --hehe wink, wink ;P
My batch (1986) is planning to hold a business meeting these month probably in sorsogon and we'd surely discuss this issue.
And for sure Batch 87 (undoubtedly an pinakamahigos na batch na magbulig sa Alumni nan sa OLPS) will draft their plans too.
So mga sano... Burogkos!!!!
The sano community extends its condolences to the family of Roque Dorotan (B86) whose father, Roque Sr. succumbed to liver cancer and passed away three days ago. Internment will be held tomorrow. details to be posted shortly
according to pagasa pala, another typhoon codenamed neneng is due to hit bicol (sorsogon including) tonight. let's pray and hope sorsogon will be spared this double whammy.
btw, only smart cell is operating so best to advise your relatives to change to smart for the moment. also there's no radio or tv there yet thus they have no way of getting typhoon updates. do text them once in a while. pagasa releases "Tropical Cyclone Updates" every 12 hours. so check on it regularly and text your relatives there.
medyo mahangin daw pala yung parating na bagyo kay advise them to board up their windows --lalo na kung glass-- kay ground level winds are expected to be a bit stronger this time kay wara na nin kahoy na masangga.