Sano Aris Espinosa, municipal mayor of San Jacinto, Masbate, unexpectedly passed away today, 7:30 a.m. in a freak accident in his home.

According to Fr. Gerry del Prado, as relayed to him by his sister, Mayor Aris was apparently taking a shower preparing to travel to Manila for his child"s baptism when something went wrong --they suspect that maybe he was electrocuted by one of the gadgets in the bathroom, maybe the heater.

I remember Aris as a low key, happy and overall nice guy (he was sophomore during my senior year)

Our condolences to his wife Sandra Martinez Espinosa, his mother, Rep Vida Verzosa Espinosa, sister Marvi Espinosa Bravo and his kids.

Farewell and godspeed Aris.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    rest in peace sano mayor of my birthplace, i remember you coming to the wake of my late lola in san jacinto 2002 and looking for me. gud nyt and goodbye


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