The Graduates - 2008

here are the chaps who wrestled through four years of OLPS and are set to graduate this march(?)

Mga sano, what advise can you give these 11 as they face the thrills and disappointments of "buhay sa luwas"?

1. to start off, me i'd encourage them to take a year off and just bum around and travel. see what its like being out in the world. well, thats what i would have done if given the chance to do it all over again hehehe.


  1. Anonymous said...
    First thing you guys do is to try everything that you haven't done for the last four years. By this, you'll know how the seminary formation worked on you. Then, you make the adjustments. It will take sometime but I assure you it will be the best time of your lives. We were trained for the best and also for the worst, enjoy the worst part..
    Anonymous said...
    for those who want to go to Bibincahan University for college, GO AHEAD! College Seminary formation and Academics in Bibincahan are something to be proud of. People who have been under the graces of that old building have reached places in their chosen vocations and professions.

    for those who don't want to pursue college in Bibincahan, just follow your heart. you might not be happy in Bibincahan anyway. but you'll need to really adjust. the seminary has always that power to make a seminarian to be so vulnerable outside its walls.

    if you're undecided on what path to take, CRAM! because you should have been decided by now!

    Anonymous said...
    "NOT going to college is NEVER an option?" You must be kidding, if your mean OLPS college. It has never been that before, or has it? A seminary, by its very nature, nurtures and forms the mind and heart to make good CHOICES that is demanded of Christian faith. I thought Hitler, or Marcos, or Eva Peron, or Mao Tse Tung are already passe. Does either one of them live in OLPS? Pity! Better leave now than to become a dictator in the future!
    Anonymous said...
    oooops sorry yvarra for confusing you. when i say college, i mean college the "educational level" as in tertiary level of education, where you get a college degree.

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