2008 OLPS homecoming

Apologies for the delay. am just so swamped with work and other personal annoyances so i was out of the OLPS loop for a while. here are some pics from the 2008 homecoming (which i missed -regretfully--by the way)

From B94

the 2 APC's that johnjohn renovalles brought with him just about killed me. nadaog an firetruck ni otats (b87) nan helicopter flyby ni wewan(b85) hehe. pungal duwa pa. visit their blog for more...

From Batch 87

Film Maker Larry Manda capturing images of Pupitre Band...

Mons. Pax reviewing the powerpoint on the Chairman's Report...

Kaniguan bagan si Alfie Anido, hehe..

The golden mentors with silver gray hair enjoying the fete in their honor...

The Fellowship (c/o Batch 83) : Silver Memories, Golden Mentors

Fr. Douglas, contemplating on his being both a mentor and tormentor, mala kay nakalbo nan nagpuruti man buhok nya sa pasaway san mga seminarista, hehe..
Of course our favorite Fr. Roy being honored by Batch 83...
Totep presenting OLPS Alumni Foundation Resolution 004, Series of 2008 Commending the Batch 83 for sponsoring the fellowship night..
Mons. Pax reading the text on the Plaque of Appreciation for Batch 83..
The "Beowulf" and the "Roman Greats" combined and the glory of World Literature impressing and forming young minds to dream...

Syempre my fire truck an batch 87 c/o Sorsogon City Fire Marshall Tato, habo magpadaog sa tangke ni John John Renovalles!

Amo tabi ini an English teachers na nagpa nose bleed sa amon, hehe, Mam Nikki & Fr. Gerry...

the great Batch 83. sponsoring batch of this year's homecoming.

more pix in B87 blog

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