OLPS High School Department, Brgy. Bibincahan, East District, Sorsogon, City

September 8, 2008


Dear Alumnus :

Viva La Virgen De Penafrancia!

The Our Lady of Penafrancia Seminary Alumni Foundation, Inc. (OLPSAFI) has recently reorganized to launch and sustain activities for the benefit of all alumni, seminarians and the institution itself, our Alma Mater, the Our Lady of Penafrancia Seminary. With the revitalization of the OLPSAFI, various Alumni – related activities are expected to be initiated and implemented.

In view of the foregoing, we are happy to announce the proposed schedule of activities for OLPS 2008 Alumni Homecoming stated as follows :

Oct. 17, 2008 (Friday)
1PM Registration (c/o Batch 87) Note : P50 – minimum Registration Fee – OLPS main building
3PM Motorcade around Sorsogon City
4 PM Games
7PM Fellowship (hosted by Batch 83 – Silver Jubilarians) – OLPS Grandstand/Study Hall
October 18, 2008 (Saturday)
7AM Breakfast (c/o OLPS) – OLPS Refectory
9 AM Mass & General Assembly – OLPS Chapel
12 Noon Batch Reunions

Likewise, we are glad to inform you that the OLPSAFI has launched the Rice Subsidy Project for OLPS with the initial donation of 3 sacks of rice per month commencing last August 2008. In this regard, may we ask for your generous assistance to support this noble project as expression of our gratitude to our Alma Mater, the Our Lady of Penafrancia Seminary in forming us into men who working to serve, ready to help, able to love and willing to share.

Please fill out and cut the reply slip below or contact Mr. Joseph John J. Perez, OLPSAFI Interim Secretary though Mobile Phone # +639189443656 or at totepperez@yahoo.com for details and confirmation.

We are happy to see you for the homecoming to relive the meaningful memories we both shared under the watchful care of our “INA”, Our Lady of Penafrancia.

Dios Mabalos !

Truly yours,

Interim Chairman

- - - -(Cut and Mail) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

To : Mr. Joseph John J. Perez, Interim Secretary – OLPSAFI/Rev. Fr. Edgar Cleofe, Rector - OLPS
Our Lady of Penafrancia Seminary, Bibincahan, Sorsogon City

Please Check : Yes, I will attend the OLPS 2008 Alumni Homecoming on October 17 & 18, 2008
I regret to inform you that I cannot attend the OLPS 2008 Alumni Homecoming
Yes, I will donate ______ sack/s of rice in the amount of P/USD___________________
Yes, I will donate ______ sack/s of rice in kind.

Name : _________________________ Signature :_____________
Home Address : ___________________________________________
Office Address : _________________________________________
Contact Numbers : ______________________
Email : ____________________
Date/Year of Entrance at OLPS : ____________
Date/Year of Graduation/Last Stay at OLPS __________________

Note : For Cash Donations please send to Tom Sementela at PNB – Sorsogon or deposit directly to PNB Accounts : 478-811387-6 (Peso) or 478-700725-8 (USD)

4th OLPS Alumni Meeting

got this from b87. totep post mo na diretso didi next time tabi. nalilimutan ko minsan magsid-ip sa mga blogs.

the proposed homecoming 2008 shirt:

Minutes of the 4th OLPS Alumni Meeting
OLPS, Sorsogon City
8:00PM, September 5, 2008

In Attendance :

Atty. Tootsie Cubias Tato Marcial
Totep Perez Bernie Donor
Tom Sementela Tony Deligero
Ferdinand Marbella Alvin Pura
Fr. Joseph Erestain Ed Escueta
Fr. Egay Cleofe

Meeting Proper

The meeting started at 8:00PM with Atty Cubias presiding. The following concerns were discussed :

1. Tarpaulin Banner (standard size per batch), T-shirt

Totep Perez presented Dondee Delgado’s T – shirt designs. The group selected the plain cream design however with some revisions, viz, logo and motto either in black or green.

Tarpaulin banners will be produced by each batch.

2. Information Dissemination

Totep Perez to furnish Tato Marcial, Tootsie Cubias, Fr. Egay Cleofe copy of invitation letter cum solicitation for rice subsidy project, Atty. Cubias to reproduce letter and obtainMons Pax’s signature, Tato marcial to strategize distribution with the assistance of Fr. Egay.

Totep Perez to produce public service announcements, plugging material or press release.

3. Alumni Directory

Tato Marcial to present available directory next meeting, updating of such must be done prior to homecoming.

4. Confirmation of Attendance to Homecoming

The group projected an estimated 200 pax attendance based on previous homecoming records.

6. Homecoming Activities

Ferdie Marbella represented Batch 83. Totep Perez presented Batch 83’s proposal based on Gerry Arnedo’s email to Mons Pax hereunder stated :

“This is regarding the proposed plans for the homecoming. From the minutes forwarded to our class ( Aug 1, meeting), the following activities/contributions were assigned to batch ’83:

  1. Fellowship ( Oct 17 dinner/fellowship ( food/raffle prizes/band entertainment/lights and sound system)
  2. Breakfast/snack/games/ referees/parade snacks/tarpaulins/Mass stipend –estimate is P 45,000
  3. The batch early on during the year committed to Fr. Egay Cleofe that we will support the upcoming Sangkan which OLPS is hosting. We committed to the purchase of tables for pingpong, pool, board games, etc.-The batch expects to raise approximately another P 45,000 to P 50,000 for this endeavor.
We were wondering if the following can be an option for the homecoming, because if you consider all of these the cost to Batch ’83 will be rather high ( P 90,000+ already solely for items 2 and 3 only). We have not even accounted for the expenses we will incur for the program we want to have for the fellowship night.

  1. raise the registration to P 200 instead of proposal of P50 to help fund for dinner fellowship or
  2. we drop item 2 ( open the canteen on a buy your own snacks, and we get referee’s from among the alumni) and use the 45,000 instead to pay for the dinner on the 17th. I am sure the batch will be more than willing to add a little bit more so that there will be enough food for 200pax”

The group adopted option # 2, stated thus :
  1. 1. Batch 83 to sponsor Fellowship Night
  2. 2. OLPS to open canteen, Alumni to buy snacks or buy their own
  3. 3. Alumni to act as referees

Further, the group agreed that :
  1. OLPS will provide breakfast on October 18, 2008, Saturday consisting of pan de sal and bottomless coffee.
  2. Motorcade instead of parade on same date to cut cost on transport and snacks for Drum and Bugle Corps.

Thus, the following is the revised Homecoming Schedule :

October 17, 2008, Friday
1 PM – Registration (fee still pegged at P50.00 minimum)
3 PM – Motorcade around Sorsogon City
4PM – Games
7 PM – Fellowship Night

October 18, 2008, Saturday
7AM – Breakfast
9 AM – Mass cum General Assembly
12 Noon – Batch reunions

7. Other Matters

Totep to remind Joey Cubias to submit documents to Tom Sementela for Financial Statement preparation per requirement for SEC Registration.

Next meeting will be on September 13, 2008, Saturday, 6PM at OLPS. Having no other matters to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
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Interim Secretary


Presiding Officer

i got this late. rene (b86) texted that his aunt, Ms. Sy -- the math and physics teacher has passed away last Sept 12, 2008.

our condolences and prayers. godspeed Ms. Sy

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