Reviving SANO !

Got this from the B87 blog. let us all lend our full support to this endeavor guys!!! Kindly contact Sano Totep Perez (B87) for details and updates.

Former Alumni Officers gathered at Fatima Parish, Sorsogon City last June 7, 2008 hosted by Mons Pax Monje. Discussed were :

  1. Filing of Petition to Revive the OLPS Alumni Foundation at SEC
  2. SANO Reorganization
  3. Tentative 2008 Homecoming sked.
The group agreed to create an ad-hoc committee to revive the OLPS Alumni Foundation, officers elected are :
Chair - Mons Pax Monje, Vice
Chair - Atty. Tootsie Cubias
Secretary - Totep Perez
Treasurer - Joey Cubias
Auditor - Tom Sementela
Legal Counsel - Atty. Jess Fumera.

Other attending alumni including Tato Marcial & Gerald Angeles of Batch 87 are named board directors. (Names of other board directors to follow due to inavailability of the list as of this writing.)

Atty. Cubias was assigned to draft the Resolution to Revive the Foundation. Gerald was assigned to gather signatures for the resolution.

Tentative Homecoming sked are as follows : Oct. 17, 2008 (Friday) 1PM- Registration, 3Pm - games, 6 PM - Fellowship (Batch 83 to sponsor the event being silver jubilarians). Oct 18, 2008 (Sat) 8AM - parade, 10AM Mass cum General Assembly 12Noon - Lunch 1Pm onwards - Batch reunions. (toteperez)

note : other batches, please copy this info, post in your blog, tell others.

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