whats interesting is that the parents actually participated in the program. we never had this thing during my time. new development kaya? in any case its a good thing to make the parents more involved in their son's school life di ba?
whats interesting is that the parents actually participated in the program. we never had this thing during my time. new development kaya? in any case its a good thing to make the parents more involved in their son's school life di ba?
Labels: OLPS Minor
lets us all pray for the eternal peace and salvation of Yayes' dad who passed away some days ago after a lingering illness.
From B94
the 2 APC's that johnjohn renovalles brought with him just about killed me. nadaog an firetruck ni otats (b87) nan helicopter flyby ni wewan(b85) hehe. pungal duwa pa. visit their blog for more...
From Batch 87
Film Maker Larry Manda capturing images of Pupitre Band...
Mons. Pax reviewing the powerpoint on the Chairman's Report...
Kaniguan bagan si Alfie Anido, hehe..
The Fellowship (c/o Batch 83) : Silver Memories, Golden Mentors
Labels: Homecoming 2008
Official 2008 Homecoming invite and OLPS Minor rice subsidy call for donation
88 comments Posted by Sano jetski at 1:49 PMOLPS High School Department, Brgy. Bibincahan, East District, Sorsogon, City
September 8, 2008
Dear Alumnus :
Viva La Virgen De Penafrancia!
The Our Lady of Penafrancia Seminary Alumni Foundation, Inc. (OLPSAFI) has recently reorganized to launch and sustain activities for the benefit of all alumni, seminarians and the institution itself, our Alma Mater, the Our Lady of Penafrancia Seminary. With the revitalization of the OLPSAFI, various Alumni – related activities are expected to be initiated and implemented.
In view of the foregoing, we are happy to announce the proposed schedule of activities for OLPS 2008 Alumni Homecoming stated as follows :
Oct. 17, 2008 (Friday)
1PM Registration (c/o Batch 87) Note : P50 – minimum Registration Fee – OLPS main building
3PM Motorcade around Sorsogon City
4 PM Games
7PM Fellowship (hosted by Batch 83 – Silver Jubilarians) – OLPS Grandstand/Study Hall
October 18, 2008 (Saturday)
7AM Breakfast (c/o OLPS) – OLPS Refectory
9 AM Mass & General Assembly – OLPS Chapel
12 Noon Batch Reunions
Likewise, we are glad to inform you that the OLPSAFI has launched the Rice Subsidy Project for OLPS with the initial donation of 3 sacks of rice per month commencing last August 2008. In this regard, may we ask for your generous assistance to support this noble project as expression of our gratitude to our Alma Mater, the Our Lady of Penafrancia Seminary in forming us into men who working to serve, ready to help, able to love and willing to share.
Please fill out and cut the reply slip below or contact Mr. Joseph John J. Perez, OLPSAFI Interim Secretary though Mobile Phone # +639189443656 or at totepperez@yahoo.com for details and confirmation.
We are happy to see you for the homecoming to relive the meaningful memories we both shared under the watchful care of our “INA”, Our Lady of Penafrancia.
Dios Mabalos !
Truly yours,
Interim Chairman
- - - -(Cut and Mail) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To : Mr. Joseph John J. Perez, Interim Secretary – OLPSAFI/Rev. Fr. Edgar Cleofe, Rector - OLPS
Our Lady of Penafrancia Seminary, Bibincahan, Sorsogon City
Please Check : Yes, I will attend the OLPS 2008 Alumni Homecoming on October 17 & 18, 2008
I regret to inform you that I cannot attend the OLPS 2008 Alumni Homecoming
Yes, I will donate ______ sack/s of rice in the amount of P/USD___________________
Yes, I will donate ______ sack/s of rice in kind.
Name : _________________________ Signature :_____________
Home Address : ___________________________________________
Office Address : _________________________________________
Contact Numbers : ______________________
Email : ____________________
Date/Year of Entrance at OLPS : ____________
Date/Year of Graduation/Last Stay at OLPS __________________
Note : For Cash Donations please send to Tom Sementela at PNB – Sorsogon or deposit directly to PNB Accounts : 478-811387-6 (Peso) or 478-700725-8 (USD)
got this from b87. totep post mo na diretso didi next time tabi. nalilimutan ko minsan magsid-ip sa mga blogs.
the proposed homecoming 2008 shirt:
Minutes of the 4th OLPS Alumni Meeting
OLPS, Sorsogon City
8:00PM, September 5, 2008
In Attendance :
Atty. Tootsie Cubias Tato Marcial
Totep Perez Bernie Donor
Tom Sementela Tony Deligero
Ferdinand Marbella Alvin Pura
Fr. Joseph Erestain Ed Escueta
Fr. Egay Cleofe
Meeting Proper
The meeting started at 8:00PM with Atty Cubias presiding. The following concerns were discussed :
1. Tarpaulin Banner (standard size per batch), T-shirt
Totep Perez presented Dondee Delgado’s T – shirt designs. The group selected the plain cream design however with some revisions, viz, logo and motto either in black or green.
Tarpaulin banners will be produced by each batch.
2. Information Dissemination
Totep Perez to furnish Tato Marcial, Tootsie Cubias, Fr. Egay Cleofe copy of invitation letter cum solicitation for rice subsidy project, Atty. Cubias to reproduce letter and obtainMons Pax’s signature, Tato marcial to strategize distribution with the assistance of Fr. Egay.
Totep Perez to produce public service announcements, plugging material or press release.
3. Alumni Directory
Tato Marcial to present available directory next meeting, updating of such must be done prior to homecoming.
4. Confirmation of Attendance to Homecoming
The group projected an estimated 200 pax attendance based on previous homecoming records.
6. Homecoming Activities
Ferdie Marbella represented Batch 83. Totep Perez presented Batch 83’s proposal based on Gerry Arnedo’s email to Mons Pax hereunder stated :
“This is regarding the proposed plans for the homecoming. From the minutes forwarded to our class ( Aug 1, meeting), the following activities/contributions were assigned to batch ’83:
- Fellowship ( Oct 17 dinner/fellowship ( food/raffle prizes/band entertainment/lights and sound system)
- Breakfast/snack/games/ referees/parade snacks/tarpaulins/Mass stipend –estimate is P 45,000
- The batch early on during the year committed to Fr. Egay Cleofe that we will support the upcoming Sangkan which OLPS is hosting. We committed to the purchase of tables for pingpong, pool, board games, etc.-The batch expects to raise approximately another P 45,000 to P 50,000 for this endeavor.
- raise the registration to P 200 instead of proposal of P50 to help fund for dinner fellowship or
- we drop item 2 ( open the canteen on a buy your own snacks, and we get referee’s from among the alumni) and use the 45,000 instead to pay for the dinner on the 17th. I am sure the batch will be more than willing to add a little bit more so that there will be enough food for 200pax”
The group adopted option # 2, stated thus :
- 1. Batch 83 to sponsor Fellowship Night
- 2. OLPS to open canteen, Alumni to buy snacks or buy their own
- 3. Alumni to act as referees
Further, the group agreed that :
- OLPS will provide breakfast on October 18, 2008, Saturday consisting of pan de sal and bottomless coffee.
- Motorcade instead of parade on same date to cut cost on transport and snacks for Drum and Bugle Corps.
Thus, the following is the revised Homecoming Schedule :
October 17, 2008, Friday
1 PM – Registration (fee still pegged at P50.00 minimum)
3 PM – Motorcade around Sorsogon City
4PM – Games
7 PM – Fellowship Night
October 18, 2008, Saturday
7AM – Breakfast
9 AM – Mass cum General Assembly
12 Noon – Batch reunions
7. Other Matters
Totep to remind Joey Cubias to submit documents to Tom Sementela for Financial Statement preparation per requirement for SEC Registration.
Next meeting will be on September 13, 2008, Saturday, 6PM at OLPS. Having no other matters to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Interim Secretary
Presiding Officer
Labels: Homecoming 2008, OLPS Alumni Foundation
i got this late. rene (b86) texted that his aunt, Ms. Sy -- the math and physics teacher has passed away last Sept 12, 2008.
our condolences and prayers. godspeed Ms. Sy
Labels: obituary, olps teachers
mga sano, we're putting out a listing of sano websites here sa right side- called SanoWeb. if you like your site to be listed - be it a website, blog, friendster, facebook, twitter etc- kahit ano basta nasa web. just put the url and a brief description in the comments para madali ko mabutang sa list.
Labels: sano news, Sanosphere
another batch joins the sanosphere!!! go say hi to batch80
Labels: B80, Sanosphere
Minutes of the OLPS Alumni Meeting
OLPS, Sorsogon City
8:30PM, August 16, 2008
In Attendance :
Atty. Tootsie Cubias Joey Cubias
Fr. Egay Cleofe Fr. Totep Erestain
Totep Perez Bernie Donor
Lloyd Lopez Ceazar Escobedo
Robert Maullon Salvatorre Sanchez
Tom Sementela
Meeting Proper
The meeting started at 8:30PM with Atty Cubias presiding. The following concerns were discussed :
1. Rice Subsidy
A. Ceremonial turnover of initial 3 sacks of rice donation was done by the Alumni with the presence of minor seminarians and formators. Donors were Robert Maullon, Ceazar Escobedo and Bernie Donor (n.b. Joey Cubias to donate 1 sack on September 2008)
B. Other Pledges for Rice Subsidy Project are the following :
- Buddy Villaroya - 3 sacks,
- Atty. Tootsie Cubias - 2 sacks
- Salvatorre Sanchez – 2 sacks
- Tom Sementela – 1 sack
- Romulo Lustre – 1 sack
C. For future pledges, the following guidelines are set :
- Contact Totep or through email address totepperez@yahoo.com, Totep to determine schedule & deadline for pledges
- Cash donations (per sack costs P912.50 as of this writing) must be given to Tom Sementela at PNB – Sorsogon or deposit directly to PNB Accounts : 478-811387-6 (Peso) or 478-700725-8 (USD). Donations in kind are also accepted.
- Totep to produce pro forma letter with reply slip to be distributed to all alumni, together with invitation for homecoming with attached schedule.
2. Tarpaulin Banner (standard size per batch), T-shirt
Totep Perez to contact Dondee Delgado for T – shirt (200 pcs., with collar, color yellow or cream with embroidered OLPS logo colored black) & tarpaulin design, size & cost. Presentation of design due next meeting.
3. Information Dissemination
With the absence of OLPS Alumni PRO Renato Marcial, the item was declared unfinished business. However it was agreed that the invitation letter may serve for purposes of information dissemination and coordination with Parish Priests for announcements during mass is also suggested.
4. Alumni Directory
Again, with the absence of OLPS Alumni PRO Renato Marcial, the item was declared unfinished business. Totep Perez to notify him on the unfinished businesses.
5. Confirmation of Attendance to Homecoming
All attendees in the meeting are appointed point persons for their batch. Invitation letters will be coursed through to batch coordinators.
6. Homecoming Activities
- The group confirmed the proposed program of activities with no amendments as of yet. The alumni request the confirmation of batch 83 for their commitment to sponsor the Alumni Homecoming and shoulder the expenses. Totep is tasked to contact Batch 83.
- Atty. Cubias suggested to explore possibility on having basketball match with St. Gregory Seminary Alumni. Atty. Cubias to coordinate including the preparation of plaque or trophy. Ceazar Escobedo and Tony Detera to form the team and act as coaches.
7. Other Matters
- SEC Registration – pending the submission of the FS, Tom Sementela, Joey Cubias & Atty. Cubias as point persons.
- Alumni Affairs Office – pending the draft of official letter to OLPS Rector c/o Totep, Msgr. Monje as signatory.
Next meeting will be on August 30, 2008, Saturday 7PM Fatima Parish. Having no other matters to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Interim Secretary
Presiding Officer
copy pasted this from the b87 blog...
Minutes of the OLPS Alumni Meeting
Fatima Parish, Sorsogon City
8:30PM, August 1, 2008
In Attendance :
Msgr. Pax Monje Joey Cubias
Tato Marcial Tony Deligero
Totep Perez Bernie Donor
Leo Ocampo Ceazar Escobedo
Robert Maullon
Meeting Proper
The meeting started at 8:30PM with Msgr. Monje presiding. The following concerns were discussed :
1. Tarpaulin Banner (standard size per batch), T-shirt
Alumni Foundation will finance production/printing of tarpaulin banners & t- shirts, the batches will pay during homecoming. Batch 87 as parade committee/secretariat is tasked to determine number of pieces to produce and cost.
A good quality t - shirt with collar (color – cream or light yellow) and embroidered with OLPS logo (color – black) will be produced as official alumni t-shirt. (Note : An unresolved discussion came up that for income generating purposes, these t-shirts may be considered for sale to non - alumni as souvenir item but at a higher prize.)
2. Information Dissemination
It was suggested that the Information, Documentation, Publication Committee must meet A.S.A.P. to strategize. Mr. Robert Maullon was tasked to coordinate. Mr. Renato Marcial was appointed as Alumni PRO.
3. Alumni Directory
Mr. Marcial already coordinated with Sr. Myrna Dioquino who informed him that the Alumni list is complete and ready for pick up anytime.
4. Confirmation of Attendance to Homecoming
Appoint point person/coordinator per batch is wiling to volunteer. Communication exchange will be done through blogspot postings and text messaging.
5. Homecoming Activities with Projected Expense
Oct. 17, 2008 (Friday)
1PM – Registration (c/o Batch 87) t-shirt
3PM – Games (c/o OLPS) referee , snacks
6PM – Fellowship : c/o Batch 83 food, raffle/prizes, band/entertainers, lights & sound system
October 18, 2008 –Saturday
7AM – Breakfast (c/o OLPS) food
9AM – Parade (c/o Batch 87, OLPS) drum & bugle corps, marching band, marshals, snacks, tarpaulin
11AM – Mass & General Assembly Stipend, offerings
12 Noon – Batch Reunions
Projected Expenses : (to be sponsored by Batch 83)
1. Breakfast/Snack, Games/referees P 30,000.00
2. Parade, snacks, tarpaulins 10,000.00
3. Mass (stipends, offerings) 5,000.00
TOTAL P 45,000.00
6. Proposed Registration Fee for Alumni Homecoming
A minimum fee registration fee of P50.00 will be required per alumnus during Homecoming on October 17, 2008.
7. Rice Subsidy Project
The following are the pioneering donors for the three (3) sacks per month Rice Subsidy for OLPS:
1. August – c/o Joey Cubias, Robert Maullon, Ceazar Escobedo
2. September – c/o Totep Perez, Tony Deligero, Bernie Donor
3. October – Msgr. Pax Monje, Tato Marcial, Leo Ocampo
Next meeting will be on August 16, 2008, Saturday 6PM at OLPS which will be highlighted by the formal turn-over of initial 3 sacks of rice subsidy. Having no other matters to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 PM.
Interim Secretary
Presiding Officer
Recently posted sa OLPS Minor... a big box of goodies from Batch 83!!!!. salamatonon tabi mga Batch 83! uragon talaga!!!! hehehehe
ok sin-o kaya na sunod na maging generous batch!
The package from the USA, (particularly from Sano Arnel Deyto [B83]) arrived this morning (july 20) here at OLPS. It contained sports paraphernalia promised by Batch '83, in connection with OLPS' preparation for the upcoming Sangkan 3 this November.
Here are the particulars: 2 pcs. Basketball; 1 pc. Volleyball; 1 pc. soccerball; 1 bucket pingpong balls; 1 pc. Football; 1 ball pump; and 4 pcs. basketball nets; and 5 pcs. dart boards (this includes the 2 pcs of dart boards brought here last summer).
Aside from this package, Batch '83 committed themselves for the purchase/making of pool tables and tables for Table Tennis.
Thank you very much Batch '83.
Labels: B83, donation to olps, OLPS Minor, Support OLPS
Minutes of the OLPS Alumni Meeting
OLPS Minor, Sorsogon City
8PM, July 18, 2008
In Attendance :
Tom Sementela
Tato Marcial
Atty. Jess Fumera
Gerald Angeles
Totep Perez
Bernie Donor
Atty. Wowo Fortes
Leo Ocampo
Joey Lasala
Jeangle Eco
Fr. Egay Cleofe
Fr. Jasper Valdez
Meeting Proper
The meeting was called to order at 8 PM with Atty. Jess Fumera presiding. Mr. Totep Perez read the minutes of the previous meeting. The body approved the contents of the minutes of the meeting.
Atty. Fumera led the group in the discussion of the matters arising from the previous meeting:
1. On Rice subsidy :
Mr. Tato Marcial reported that 10 seminarians are having difficulty in complying with the required 3 sacks of rice yearly, thus, a shortfall of 30 sacks in the year.
Fr. Egay Cleofe informed the group that he will provide names of those seminarians and inquired if they will become direct beneficiaries of the Alumni Foundation and in effect, they are no longer obliged to give the required sacks of rice. The group discussed on the matter and arrived at the decision that the OLPS is the sole beneficiary of the Alumni Foundation who will receive directly the rice subsidy. It is now the discretion of the OLPS administration if they will still require the 10 seminarians to give rice.
Mr. Bernie Donor informed the group that per sack costs P1,250 per sack or P25 per kilo, thus a total of P37,500.00 for 30 sacks of rice shortfall. It was suggested that the Alumni Foundation will write letter to NFA Manager to purchase rice, Totep to draft the letter, Monsignor Monje to sign. The source of fund will come from donations from alumni, post the information at alumni blogspots.
2. On Financial Statement :
Mr. Joey Cubias, the Alumni Treasurer was absent. Mr Tom Sementela suggested that Mr. Perez must remind Mr. Cubias to submit the records of transactions for him to prepare the Financial Statement.
3. On General Information Sheet:
Atty. Tootsie Cubias was absent, again, Mr. perez was tasked to remind Atty. Cubias to submit the General Information Sheet.
4. On Alumni Directory:
Mr. Marcial to coordinate with the Registrar Mam Nikki Halcon, Sr. Myrna Dioquino & Atty. Cubias.
5. On Fellowship Night:
Mr. Perez reported that he met Atty. Alwin Talde who informed him that Batch 83 had a meeting in Manila to discuss their sponsorship of the event by shouldering the financial cost and possible production of Film Documentary about OLPS c/o Film maker Larry Manda.
6. On Destroyed Fence:
Mr. Marcial took picture of the damaged portion and posted the same on the blog. However, Fr. Cleofe informed the group that there is a plan to construct an access road in the same area. Atty. Fortes suggested that the group must remove the item from the Alumni’s concern based on the aforementioned plan. The group agreed.
7. On Tarpaulin Banners:
The group decided to put the item for further discussion next meeting.
8. On Establishment of Alumni Affairs Office:
Mr. Perez informed Fr. Cleofe on the rationale behind the establishment of an Alumni Affairs Ofice. Fr. Cleofe said that seminarians are capable to be assigned, for the meantime at the alumni desk that will soon be transformed into an office. Mr perez will draft a formal letter of request to the Rector, Msgr. Monje to sign & discuss details with Fr. Cleofe, the Rector.
9. New Matters/Business:
Tasking/Formation of Committees :
1. Rice Project – c/o B. Donor, Atty. T. Cubias, Msgr. Monje, Mr. Perez
2. Homecoming Registration committee/secretariat – c/o batch 87
3. Ways & Means /Finance Committee – Joey Cubias, Tom Sementela
4. Food Committee – c/o OLPS
5. Sports Committee – c/o OLPS
6. Liturgy Committee – c/o OLPS
7. Fellowship Committee – Batch 83
8. Parade – c/o batch 87
9. Information, Documentation & Publication & Promotion – Boy Lopez (Sorsogon Guardian), Fr. Treb Futol (DZGN/TV 11), Erwin Lasam (Sorsogon Now), Marlon Loterte (Phil. Info. Agency), Mark Paras (Sorsogon Today), Gibbs Cadiz (Phil. Daily Inquirer), Delon Porcalla (Phil. Star), Linuz Escandor (Tempo, Manila Bulletin), Ching Salazar (NBN), Sim Gamba, Robert Maullon (DWOL).
Next meeting will be on August 1, 2008, 7PM at the Fatima Parish. Having no other matters to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15PM.
Interim Secretary
Presiding Officer
Our prayers for the eternal repose of Tia Betty. She was the much loved cook of the OLPS College from late 80's to 90's
Godspeed Tia Betty.
Labels: donation to olps, OLPS Staff
The OLPS Alumni "working group" (tato, how do we call the group volunteering to revive the alum association?) will hold the next meeting on July 18, 2008 at OLPS Minor
Agenda will include, among others, the points raised and discussed during the previous meeting (minutes here)
All Sano are most welcome to participate in the meeting.
Labels: sano news, Support OLPS

If you will remember this is the "pader" along Bibincahan Sorsogon we usually scale doing our "great escape".
Shown in the picture is the home of the clergy on the right side and the study hall on the left.
Please desposit any donation to OLPS PNB Account Numbers : 478-811387-6 (PhP), 478-700725-8 (US$)...by the way hope to see you this Alumni Homecoming!
Tato Marcial
Labels: OLPS Minor, Support OLPS, tato marcial
Atty. Fumera’s Residence, Balogo, Sorsogon City
7PM, June 28, 2008
In Attendance :
Msgr. Pax Monje Atty. Tootsie Cubias
Tom Sementela Dr. Jun Leocadio
Atty. Jess Fumera Joey Cubias
Totep Perez Tato Marcial
Lloyd Lopez Gerald Angeles
Salvatorre Sanchez Salvador Villaroya
Bernie Donor Edgar Detera
Ismael Lopez Tony Deligero
Meeting Proper
The meeting was called to order at 7PM with Msgr. Pax Monje presiding. Mr. Totep Perez reported to the group the matters discussed and actions taken during the previous meeting :
- 1. Formation of OLPS Alumni Foundation Interim Board
- 2. Petition to Revive the OLPS Alumni Foundation with SEC
- 3. Reorganization of SANO
- 4. Alumni Homecoming in October 2008
- 5. Special Project : Rice Subsidy for OLPS
Mr. Perez presented Resolution No. 001, Series of 2008, Resolution Authorizing its Interim Chairman Msgr. Francisco Monje to File a Petition for the Revival of the Foundation’s Registration with SEC and for other Purpose. The same was turned over to Atty. Cubias for proper action.
Atty. Cubias called the attention of Mr. Perez to mention in the previous minutes posted on the website the special project on rice subsidy for the OLPS.
The group further the clarified the procedures for the project as follows :
- Ask OLPS (thru Sr. Myrna) on the actual number of rice shortage (sacks) per month. Mr. Tato Marcial will coordinate with OLPS.
- OLPS Foundation to provide for the shortfall by establishing partnership with NFA with Mr. Bernie Donor as coordinator. OLPS will get rice directly from NFA.
- OLPS PNB Account Number will be posted at alumni websites for the alumni to send contributions for the project.
- The account numbers are : 478-811387-6 (PhP), 478-700725-8 (US$)
Next discussed was the revival of OLPS Foundation. To meet the requirements the following tasks and in-charge were identified :
- Financial Statement, Registration c/o Joey Cubias & Tom Sementela
- General Information Sheet – Atty. Jess Fumera
- Mr. Salvador Villaroya to act as Accountant
- Coordination with SEC – Atty. Cubias
Another item discussed is the need to update the Alumni Directory. Mr. Tato Marcial was tasked to coordinate with OLPS (Mam Nikki).
Regarding the sponsorship of Batch 83 for the Fellowship, Mr. Marcial informed the group that Atty. Talde is set to meet his batch mates in Manila next week.
Other matters discussed were :
- Repair of portion of OLPS fence, Mr. Marcial to take pictures and post at blog.
- Provision of tarpaulins per batch during annual homecoming.
- All attending alumni appointed as batch coordinators. Dr. Leocadio as point person for senior batches.
- Information dissemination strategy : pulpit, tri – media, cyber media, mobile phone
- Establishment of Alumni affairs office, Alumni website c/o appointed senior seminarians, letter of request to be sent to Rector.
Next meeting is set on July 18, 2008, Friday, 6 PM at OLPS. Mr. Marcial to coordinate with Fr. Egay Cleofe. The meeting was adjourned at 9PM.
Interim Secretary
Interim Chairman
Labels: OLPS Alumni Foundation, sano news, Support OLPS
Got this from the B87 blog. let us all lend our full support to this endeavor guys!!! Kindly contact Sano Totep Perez (B87) for details and updates.
Former Alumni Officers gathered at Fatima Parish, Sorsogon City last June 7, 2008 hosted by Mons Pax Monje. Discussed were :
- Filing of Petition to Revive the OLPS Alumni Foundation at SEC
- SANO Reorganization
- Tentative 2008 Homecoming sked.
Chair - Mons Pax Monje, Vice
Chair - Atty. Tootsie Cubias
Secretary - Totep Perez
Treasurer - Joey Cubias
Auditor - Tom Sementela
Legal Counsel - Atty. Jess Fumera.
Other attending alumni including Tato Marcial & Gerald Angeles of Batch 87 are named board directors. (Names of other board directors to follow due to inavailability of the list as of this writing.)
Atty. Cubias was assigned to draft the Resolution to Revive the Foundation. Gerald was assigned to gather signatures for the resolution.
Tentative Homecoming sked are as follows : Oct. 17, 2008 (Friday) 1PM- Registration, 3Pm - games, 6 PM - Fellowship (Batch 83 to sponsor the event being silver jubilarians). Oct 18, 2008 (Sat) 8AM - parade, 10AM Mass cum General Assembly 12Noon - Lunch 1Pm onwards - Batch reunions. (toteperez)
note : other batches, please copy this info, post in your blog, tell others.
fr. gerry has a blog at multiply.com. lotsa pix. he looks so different without the glasses :-)
Our condolences and prayers to Mervs Hael's family whose dad died last saturday May 18, 2008
nag r&r an staff san minor sa ilocos. more pix sa OLPS Minor
Labels: OLPS Minor
calling all sano interested to help out in the prep works for the 2008 OLPS foundation day, please sign up here. Batch 83 is in charge of this year's foundation day and they need all our help to make this year's foundation day the best ever.
i have no idea yet about the plans re from the OLPS minor or from B83 but they could surely use our help. ok?
one of the problems frequently encountered is communicating will all the sano. perhaps some sano there in sorsogon can help out Ms. Halcon or whoever is in charge of OLPS Alumni Relations to send out letters/emails/text to all sano about the foundation activities.
suggestions are most welcome here and i'll email them to padi rector and to gerry arnedo (b83) and also circulate them via our mailing list.
Labels: Support OLPS
apologies tabi to all sanos who emailed me and got no response. i forgot to check olpseminarista mailbox for the past 3mos!!!! grabe. work got in the way of managing this blog hehehe.
anyways, pasensya na tabi bombi, totep, mike d., alvin, gerry a., nstrcastillo, et al.
also i banned some IPs from the chatbox kay maramok na.
and checkout some of the comments on the post. pretty interesting.
Labels: sano news
Labels: OLPS Minor