We came back here (Adelaide) to spend our New Year celeb. with some "Filo" (Aussie slang for Filipino) friends at Glenelg. We watched a live band in the park and amazing fireworks just after the New Year countdown. We head up to our place at around 1AM to continue the "reverie" (tinumba an 1/2 "slab" aka case of beer, a whisky and a bottle of wine into the wee hours of the morning (Jan 1).. er, 9:00 in the morning na pala :-)...)! Well, holiday season is over now yet the good memories still cling on so I look forward to another one at the end of the year! Enjoy mga sano...

Kids inside the holiday unit (Stansbury)

New Year's Eve at Glenelg with some friends

Miaco kidz... taken at Harbor Town (Adelaide)


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